
Donation Goals are a great way to set targets and encourage donations from your customers. You can create donation goals to raise funds for a cause or charity. The donation goals will be displayed on the donation page of your webstore. It motivates customers to donate more and helps you achieve your fundraising targets.

Donation Goals

You can create multiple donation goals and track the progress of each goal. It helps you to set targets and motivate customers to donate more.

However, you can display only one donation goal at a time on the donation page.

Adding Donation Goal


Go to Donation Goals

Go to the Donation Goals tab in the sidebar.


Create Donation Goal

Click on the Create a Donation Goal button to add a new donation goal.


Set Donation Goal Name

Set the name for the donation goal to display on the homepage.


Set Current Amount

Set the current amount collected for the donation goal (by default, it is set to 0).


Set Goal Target

Set the goal amount to achieve for the donation goal.


Save Changes

Click on the Save button to save the donation goal.

Configure Donation Goals

Executing Global Commands when a Donation Goal is Reached

Adding Global Commands

You can configure and execute global commands when a donation goal is reached. It allows you to trigger specific actions or events when a donation goal is achieved. You can set up global commands to send notifications, update the website, or perform any other action when a donation goal is reached.

How to add global commands:

  1. Select “Execute Global Commands when donation goal hits 100%” option.
  2. Select servers on which you want to execute the global commands.
  3. Add commands that you want to execute when the donation goal is reached.
  4. Click on the Save button to save the donation goal settings.

Available Variables

VariableMeaning of the Variable / Replaces With
{goal}Donation goal name
{current_amount}Current amount
{goal_amount}Total goal amount
{reached_at}Goal reached date and time (YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s)
{automatic_disabling}Is goal automatic disabling? (0 - NO, 1 - YES)
{time}Command execution time
{date}Command execution date