
The User Profiles feature allows you to enable user profiles on your webstore to display information about clients. User profiles show the user’s avatar, username, amount spent, recent purchases, and other details. The User Profiles feature enhances the user experience by providing transparency and personalization to your customers.

This feature is enabled by default in the MineStoreCMS. You can customize the user profile settings to display specific information about the user and control the visibility of the profile on the webstore.

It is possible to disable the User Profiles feature if you do not want to display user information on the webstore.

Configuring User Profiles

To configure the User Profiles, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to your Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to the CMS Settings > Profile Page tab.
  3. Customize the following settings:
    • Enable User Profiles: Toggle the switch to enable or disable user profiles on the webstore (by default enabled).
    • Synchronization between Webstore and Minecraft Plugin: Enable this option to synchronize user profiles between the webstore and the Minecraft plugin (optional).
    • Username Display Format: Build own custom format by using available variables: {prefix}, {username} and {group}.
    • Display User’s Group: You can enable it to display the user’s group under the username.
    • Group Display Format: Build own custom format by using available variables: {group}, {prefix} and {username}.
  4. Press Save Settings to apply the changes.