
This module allows you to create a public Staff Page to display information about your staff team members on your webstore (e.g., moderators, administrators, developers, etc.). The Staff Page is useful for showcasing your team members and providing transparency to your customers about the people behind the scenes.

The Staff Page module automatically works only if Minecraft plugin connected with the webstore by using MySQL database.

However, you can manually add staff members to the Staff Page by following the steps below.

Configuring the Staff Page

To configure the Staff Page, follow the steps below:


Log in to Admin Panel

Log in to your Admin Panel.


Navigate to Staff Page

Navigate to the CMS Settings > Staff Page tab.


Enable Staff Page

Toggle the Enable this module switch to enable the Staff Page on your webstore.


Select Groups to Display

Select Groups that you want to display on the Staff Page. You can choose multiple groups to display.


Save Changes

Press Save to apply the changes.

You can also display user prefix before the username on the Staff Page. The user prefix is fetched from the Minecraft plugin database.

Adding Staff Members

To add a staff member to the Staff Page, follow the steps below:

  1. Scroll down to the “Groups & Users Sorting Settings” section.
  2. Press the + Add a New User button.
  3. Fill in the required fields:
    • Username: Enter the username of the staff member.
    • UUID: Enter the UUID of the staff member.
    • Prefix: Enter the user prefix of the staff member.
    • Group: Select the group to which the staff member belongs.
  4. Press Save to add the staff member to the Staff Page.

The UUID is a unique identifier for each Minecraft player. You can find the UUID of a player by using online services such as NameMC.

Sorting Staff Members and Groups

You can sort the staff members and groups on the Staff Page just by dragging and dropping them. The order in which the staff members and groups are displayed on the Staff Page can be customized according to your preferences.