This is very complicated and risky process, so we recommend to purchase installation service from our official website and our team will manage everything fast and without any risks for you.

Migration on Other Server

  1. Backup Database: First, you need to backup your database from the old server. You need to export the database by using MySQL Client or PHPMyAdmin or by running the following command in the terminal:
mysqldump -u root -p minestore > minestore.sql
  1. Backup Files: You need to backup the files from the old server. We recommend to make a full backup of the /var/www/minestore directory by running the following command in the terminal:
tar -czvf minestore.tar.gz /var/www/minestore
  1. Install MineStoreCMS: You need to install MineStoreCMS on the new server. You can follow the steps below to install MineStoreCMS on your new server:

  2. After installing MineStoreCMS on the new server, you need to remove all data from the newly created database and import the database from the old server.

  3. Upload the files from the old server to the new server. We do not recommend to upload all files, only upload recommended files and files that you have modified. List of recommended directories to upload:

    • /var/www/minestore/frontend
    • /var/www/minestore/public
    • /var/www/minestore/config
  4. We also recommend to upload the .env file from the old server to the new server. You can upload the .env file by using the File Manager in the Admin Panel, but make sure to update the database credentials in the .env file.

  5. After uploading the files and .env file, you need to run the following commands in the terminal to apply changes:

cd /var/www/minestore
chown -R www-data:www-data .
chmod -R 755 .env storage/* bootstrap/cache public/img public/img/*
chown root updater
chmod u=rwx,go=xr,+s updater
chmod +x /var/www/minestore/
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:clear
sudo systemctl restart minestore_worker
sudo systemctl restart minestore_queue
sudo systemctl restart minestore_schedule
sudo systemctl restart minestore_frontend
  1. Wait for a few minutes to apply changes and check the webstore on the new server. If everything is working fine, then you have successfully migrated MineStoreCMS to the new server.
  2. Purge Cloudflare cache if you are using Cloudflare CDN.
  3. Done! Your MineStoreCMS instance is now migrated to the new server with all data saved.