
Coupons are a great way to offer discounts to your customers. You can create coupons with a fixed amount or a percentage discount. You can also set the minimum order amount required to use the coupon and limit the number of times a coupon can be used.

Creating a Coupon


Go to Coupons

Go to the Discounts > Coupons tab in the sidebar.


Create a Coupon

Click on the ”+ Create a Coupon” button.


Fill in the Details

Fill in the coupon details like the name, discount type, discount, max uses, redeem limit, minimum basket value, apply coupon to, note and publish/expire date.


Save the Coupon

Click on the “Create a Coupon” button to create the coupon.

Create a Coupon

Discount Types

There are two types of discounts you can offer with coupons:

  1. Percentage Discount: A percentage discount on the total order amount.

If user purchases a product worth 70 USD and you have set a 10% discount, the user will get a discount of 7 USD. Total amount to be paid by the user will be 63 USD.

  1. Fixed Amount Discount: A fixed amount discount on the total order amount.

If user purchases a product worth 70 USD and you have set a 10 USD discount, the user will get a discount of 10 USD. Total amount to be paid by the user will be 60 USD.

Usage Limits

You can set Max Uses and Redeem Limit for the coupon.

  1. Max Uses is the total number of times the coupon can be used.
  2. Redeem Limit is the number of times a single user can use the coupon.

Minimum Basket Value

You can set the minimum basket value required to use the coupon. The coupon will be applied only if the basket value is greater than or equal to the minimum basket value.

Default value is 0, so the coupon can be applied to any order.

Apply Coupon To

You can set the apply coupon to field to apply the coupon to specific groups of products.

There are three options:

Whole Webstore

The coupon will be applied to the whole webstore.


The coupon will be applied to specific categories.


The coupon will be applied to specific packages.

Note (Optional)

You can add a note to the coupon. The note will be displayed only to the admin and will not be visible to the customers.

Publish/Expire Date

You can set the publish date and expire date for the coupon. The coupon will be active only between these dates.

Webstore will automatically expire the coupon after the expire date based on the Server Time and MySQL Time.