
You can install third-party templates to customize the appearance of your webstore after purchasing them from the marketplace. These templates are created by third-party developers and can be installed on your webstore to change the look and feel of your webstore.

Before installing a third-party template, make sure to backup your current theme settings. If you have made any customizations to your current theme, they will be lost when you install a new template.

Install Third-Party Template

To install a third-party template:

  1. Purchase a third-party template from the Marketplace.
  2. Make a backup of your current theme settings by using SFTP or File Manager. You can also press “Create a Theme” button to make a backup of your current theme settings.
  3. Go to your admin panel and click on the Themes tab.
  4. Click on the “Install Theme” button.
  5. Wait for the theme to be installed.

After installing a third-party template, you can customize the appearance of your webstore by editing the theme settings.

Keep in mind that some third-party templates may require additional setup steps. Make sure to read the documentation provided by the template developer.

Third-Party Templates Features

Keep in mind that some third-party templates may not include all the features of the default theme. Make sure to check the features of the template before purchasing it.

MineStoreCMS provides a default theme that includes all the features of the platform. You can use the default theme if you want to have access to all the features of the platform.