
When creating or editing a category, you can enable the “Cumulative Packages” feature. This option allows you to offer discounts to users based on the packages they have previously purchased.

Cumulative Packages


Imagine your store has three ranks:

  • Rank A: 10 USD
  • Rank B: 20 USD
  • Rank C: 30 USD

If a player named “example” purchases Rank A, the next time they visit your store, they will see:

  • Rank A: Unavailable
  • Rank B: 20 USD 10 USD
  • Rank C: 30 USD 20 USD

This way, the player can upgrade their rank without paying the full price again.

Respecting Sales

Consider two packages:

  • Rank A: 10 USD
  • Rank B: 20 USD

If a user buys Rank A for 10 USD, it essentially acts as a 10 USD credit. Now, if you apply a 50% discount to Rank B, reducing its price to 10 USD, the user can upgrade to Rank B for free. The 10 USD they initially spent on Rank A is credited back, allowing them to purchase Rank B without additional cost.

How to Enable Cumulative Packages

To enable this feature:

  1. Select and edit a category.
  2. In the Advanced Settings section, check the Cumulate the purchases inside of this category so customers only pay the difference when purchasing a higher priced package. box.
  3. Save the changes.

Subscriptions do not support cumulative packages. If you plan to offer subscriptions, this feature cannot be enabled for the category.