How to Configure PayPal Legacy

Step 1: Getting PayPal API Credentials

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Go to Account Settings.
  3. Click on “Update” in the API Access section.
  4. Click on “Request API Credentials” (NVP/SOAP API).
  5. Select “Request API signature” and click “Agree and Submit”.
  6. Copy the API Username, API Password, and Signature.

Step 2: Enable PayPal Legacy Payment Gateway

  1. Go to the Settings > Payment Gateways tab in the sidebar.
  2. Scroll down to the PayPal Legacy section.
  3. Enable the PayPal Legacy option.
  4. Enter API Username, API Password, and Signature.
  5. Disable Sandbox Mode.
  6. Save Changes.

PayPal Legacy method do not support all features. We recommend using the PayPal IPN payment gateway for better security and reliability.