Payment Methods
PayPal IPN
You can configure the PayPal IPN settings to receive instant payment notifications for successful transactions.
Recommended payment gateway that support all features. You can configure the PayPal IPN settings to receive instant payment notifications for successful transactions. It allows you to automatically process payments and update the player’s account in real-time. You can enable the PayPal IPN feature to receive notifications for successful transactions and update the player’s account with the purchased packages.
How to Configure PayPal IPN
Step 1: Enable PayPal IPN Payment Gateway
- Go to the Settings > Payment Gateways tab in the sidebar.
- Scroll down to the PayPal IPN section.
- Enable the PayPal IPN option.
- Enter the PayPal Email to receive payments.
- Disable Sandbox Mode.
- Save Changes.
Step 2: Configure PayPal IPN Settings
- Log in to your PayPal account.
- Navigate to your Account Settings page.
- In the Account Settings page, click the Website Payments under Products and Services.
- Click Update link under the Instant payment notifications option.
- Click Choose IPN Settings button to specify your listener’s URL and activate the listener.
- Enable Receive IPN messages (Enabled).
- Enter the IPN URL from your webstore dashboard.
- Click Save to save the IPN settings.
Do not use enable SandBox mode for PayPal IPN. You need to have sandbox credentials to use the sandbox mode.